The Role of the Board of Management
The Board of Management (BoM) manages the school on behalf of the Patron. Although the BoM is accountable to the Patron and the Minister for the overall running of the school, it is the principal who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school. The Board must uphold the Catholic ethos of the school and is accountable to the Patron for so doing. Boards of Management of primary schools are appointed for a four year term. The term of office for new Boards of Management is from 30 November 2023 to December 2027.
The main duties of the BoM are to:
- Oversee the provision of an appropriate education for each pupil in the school
- Ensure that the characteristic spirit of the school is upheld
- Discuss and ratify policies developed by the school
- Keep the patron informed on key decisions and proposals
- Ensure that school money/resources are used responsibly
The BoM meets a minimum of 5 times in the school year and once every term. The dates of board meetings are usually decided at the first board meeting of the year and thereafter may be obtained from the principal on request.
Who is on the Board of Management?
The BoM has eight members. The composition of the board is made of up two Patron’s nominees, two teacher nominees (including the principal), two parent nominees, and two community members.
The current members of the Board of Management are 2019-2023:
Board Members | |
John O’ Regan | Chairperson |
John Burke | Principal, Secretary |
Fiona Hallissey | Teacher’s Nominee |
Janet O’Sullivan | Parents Nominee |
Gerard Hogan | Parents Nominee |
Fr. Niall Geaney | Patron’s Nominee |
Mary Leary | Community Nominee |
Dan O’Connor | Community Nominee |
It is important that from the outset, the Board carefully considers its role and responsibilities and identifies the key activities and priorities that it will address during its term of office. These will vary from school to school depending on the school’s individual circumstances. The following is an outline of some key activities in which effective Boards typically and routinely engage:
School Planning
Under the Education Act, 1998, it is the responsibility of the Board to arrange for the preparation of a school plan, and to ensure that it is regularly reviewed and updated. The School Plan sets out the educational philosophy of the school, its aims and how it proposes to achieve them. Pupil learning needs are at the centre of all planning, and the focus of the school plan should be the teaching and learning that takes place in the school.
Under the Education Act 1998 a school is required to establish and maintain systems whereby the efficiency and effectiveness of its operations can be assessed. Effective Boards are keenly aware that self-evaluation is central to school improvement and will ensure ongoing evaluation and review of both the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the school and of the Board itself.
Teaching and Learning
Under the Education Act 1998, the Principal and the other teachers, under the direction of the Principal, have statutory responsibility for the instruction provided to students in the school and shall, inter alia, encourage and foster learning in students, regularly evaluate students and report the results of the evaluation to the students and their parents.
Management of Resources
Section 15 of the Education Act, 1998 requires the Board of Management, in carrying out its functions, to have regard to the efficient use of resources (and, in particular, the efficient use of state funds). Boards therefore have a statutory duty to ensure that appropriate systems and procedures are in place to ensure school resources (including grants, staffing and other resources) are managed appropriately and efficiently and in a manner that provides for appropriate accountability to the relevant parties
School Policies
The Board has overall responsibility for school policies. There are, therefore, a range of different school policies that Boards will, from time to time, be involved in developing, implementing and reviewing as appropriate. Examples include the Admission (enrolment) Policy, Child Protection Policy, Code of Behaviour/Anti-bullying policy, Complaints Procedures
Agreed Reports 2024-2025
Board of Management Meeting 28th of January, 2025
• The Board of Management ratified the following policies:
1. Child Protection Policy
2. Anti-Bullying Policy
• The Board conducted a Child Protection Oversight Report (CPOR) as is standard practice at Board meetings
• The Board of Management would like to sincerely thank the Parents’ Association for their successful fundraising projects during term 1. Thank you to all involved for their continued commitment to the school.
• The Board of Management would like to take a moment to acknowledge and express our appreciation for all the activities that took place during last term, as well as those currently happening this term. These initiatives are a tremendous asset to our school community and contribute greatly to the enriching experiences of our students. A special thank you to Ms. Hallissey for her dedication in organizing and coordinating these events.
• The Board is pleased to inform you that funding for the school meals program has been approved. The school is currently exploring a number of options to ensure that we provide the best quality food for our students. In doing so, we are particularly focused on sourcing food, where possible, from local suppliers to support our community and enhance the freshness of the meals. We will keep you updated as decisions are made and look forward to implementing this new initiative.
• The Board of Management will be in contact with Kerry County Council regarding the ongoing roadworks in the vicinity of the school. We will be highlighting safety concerns and addressing the impact these works are having on traffic flow, particularly during peak times such as morning drop-off and evening collection. The Board is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all students and staff and will work closely with the council to find a solution.