After School Clubs

In Fossa School we provide a variety of after school clubs for children  .


1. Monday Sports Club

– a  fitness class which incorporates all strands of the P.E. Curriculum. Children love this action packed class !

2. Homework Club

– Teachers supervise and correct homework  in a relaxed environment .

3. Mikey’s After school sports club for Junior and Senior Infants

– a fun filled sports hour which runs five days a week .

4. Brixx Club

– for all budding engineers . This Leggo club is held in the Community Hall on Mondays .

5. Football Coaching

– Takes place on Thursdays after school .

6. Traditional Music Classes

– Every Tuesday children can attend classes in the school and learn to play traditional instruments. The children perform for the whole school at masses , The Gathering Festival and for school concerts.

7. Chess Club

takes place every Wednesday . The children thoroughly enjoy this challenging game with their peers .

8. Art Classes

Every Wednesday Mr Russell teaches art classes to the children .