Sixth Class: Mr Kenny

Fossa Vollleyballers are going to Nationals!!

6th class competed in the Volleyball Ireland Regional Championships at the end of February. It took place in Presentation secondary school, Killarney with schools from Cork and Kerry competing. We were really well represented with 5 teams; 2 boys teams, 2 mixed teams and a girls team. Each team competed the well and showed some amazing skill, perseverance and patience in each game.

It was a very successful competition as each team made it out of their group. Our mixed teams and girls team made it to their semi-finals, only to go down fighting to stronger opposition.
Both boys teams progressed from their groups and as luck would have it, were on opposite sides of the knock-out draw.
The stars were aligned and both teams won their quarter final and semi final in very dramatic fashion. One semi having to restart after a false finish and the other team winning with their very last serve! Cue great celebrations, then the realisation that they were meeting each other in the final! Bragging rights and reputations were going on the line.
Thankfully, the result was going to be success either way, as, with this year’s format both finalists would progress to the National finals in UL.
The final was a riveting match with neither team wanting to give an inch.
A huge congrats to the boys in a great achievement and well done to all our fantastic vollleyballers on a great day.
The National finals will be held in University of Limerick on Friday 7th March. Whatever happens in UL, all our players have done us proud. Maith sibh a pháistí agus go n-eirí a t-ádh libh.

February post

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A busy start to Spring in 6th class

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December and January in 6th class

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On Tuesday and Wednesday last, the pupils of 4th, 5th and 6th class enjoyed a very successful soccer tournament in blustery conditions. Ten teams took part and we played over 16 games. These games were a joy to watch and they had it all….fantastic goals, great skill, unbelievable saves, tense last-minute equalisers, cruel penalty shoot outs and even a half way line goal!
Unfortunately, there could only be one winning team in the end. Following an exciting and tense final, the team captained by David Kennelly emerged victorious. Hard luck to the losing finalists, led by their inspiring captain Mark O’ Connor.
Aside from soccer, it was great to see students from different classes developing friendships, bonding, encouraging each other and working as a team.  Hopefully, this tournament might inspire those who currently do not play soccer with a club to give it a go.
The teachers were then given the difficult job of picking players of the tournament. Following a lot of heated discussion and debate, they finally decided that the following players deserved special recognition.

4th Class Player of the Tournament: Conor  Brosnan
5th class player of the Tournament: Rian O’ Reilly
6th Class Player of the Tournament : Kevin O’ Sullivan

Overall Player of the Tournament: David Kennelly
A special thank you to Mr. Rice and Mr. Kenny for doing the hardest job of all as referee! You both did a great job.

Best of luck to the boys and girls from 5th and 6th class who will represent our school in the FAI 5 a side soccer tournament in Tralee in the coming weeks.

We wish to thank Mrs Brigid Murphy for organizing this very enjoyable event for the children .

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“Ah céilúireadh Lá Fhéile Bríde”

Bhí rang a sé an-gnothach ar fad ar Lá le Bríde. Rinne siad go leor Cros Bhríde. Chuaigh siad go dtí na ranganna eile ag cabhrú leis na pàistí óige chun crosanna a dhéanamh.  Fáilte mór romhat an tEarrach!!

“The Clash of the Ash”

Hurling coaching with Colm O Brien. On the search for the next Christy Ring!! Two hands on the hurley and pull hard!!!

Spraoi sa sneachta

Science Week 2024

6th class were getting their hands dirty during science week. They worked collaboratively in groups to plan, design and make a water filtration system using natural material. Once they had a plan, they set to work to make their water filter, with surprising results!

This investigation provided a great opportunity for discussion, prediction, hypothesising, questioning and practical, hands on investigating.

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Podcast Creators

6th are busy creating podcasts in partnership with Science Blast. They are developing digital media skills, creativity, collaborative and team work skills, research skills, recording, editing and production skills while having fun. Watch this space for some hilarious, educational and interesting episodes dropping soon!

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You’ve Been Served

Tennis lessons have started in Fossa NS.

Next stop Wimbledon!!!

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Student Council Election Day 2024

Wednesday was an historic day in Fossa NS as the children went to the polls to cast their ballots and elect their student council representatives.
After days of serious campaigning and canvassing, the candidates put their manifestos to the class. The candidate speeches were outstanding and the voters had some very tough decisions to make.
Congratulations to our two 6th councillors Doireann O Connor and Noah Keogh, who were elected on the first count.

We are really looking forward to an exciting term in office for our new student council.

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Dia de los Muertos

Group projects to research and discover all about the historic Mexican festival. We compared and contrasted this to our own celebration of Halloween.

Mixed Media Haunted House

Things got spooky in 6th class this week as they got stuck into a wide range of materials to create their own haunted houses.
Mind you step around out class this Halloween!!
Big thank you to Ciara of the Art House who guided the class and helped them create their chilling masterpieces!

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Fossa NS Historical Society

Na buachaillí agus caillíní as rang 6 explored the rich heritage and history in our local area. They worked together to research, create and present visual and informative projects on the local historical landmarks.

Obair iontach gach duine!

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An Fómhar

6th class experimented with texture, colour tones and blending to create wonderful Autumn scenes.

Ag Déanamh Im

6th class went back to the old ways and made butter from scratch to investigate how matter can change state. The result was rather tasty and enjoyed on some brown soda bread!

Recount Writing


All fun and games in 6th class during Maths Week ’24 as we play marble darts.

The class used this fun activity to test what they have learned about averages. Each player had 8 attempts and then had to calculate the total score and average score for themselves and the group.

A Memorable Day

Rang 6 being put through their paces

Rang 6 being put through their paces, testing the strength, mobility and form with some very enjoyable routines and equipment.
Could we unearth the next Rhys McClenaghan or Simone Bikes?

Cumann na mBunscol Round 3

SN An Fhosaidh 0-13
Lissivigeen NS 4-11
Our boys played their final group today and came up against and very strong, well organized and tough Lissivigeen team. While we were second best today, the boys fought and worked hard right to the end, scoring 4 unanswered points.
Maith sibh buachaillí

“Cumann na mBunscol Round 1, 19th Sept”

SN An Fhosaidh 3-09 Firies NS 1-05
Our boys got their CNMB campaign off to the perfect start in a sun drenched Fossa GAA club today.
We defeated a tough and dogged Firies team with a positive, spirited and energetic display of football. The boys were solid all over the páirc from Noah O Sullivan sa cúl right up the pitch. The work rate, team work, skill and desire from each boy wearing the red and black was a joy to see.
While it’s great to start off the group with a win, more challenges lie ahead so it’s back to the training field next Tuesday to build on the positive start.
Mar a deir an seanfhocal….”Tús maith, leath na h-oibre”

Maith sibh buachaillí!!

Fáilte ar ais Rang a Sé