Third Class: Miss O Connor

Planets in our Solar System

We recently did projects on the planets in our solar system. We think space exploration is cool and we designed rockets that could take us there 🚀 We tested out the durability on the pitch doing test flights.


Making St. Brigid’s crosses

Science Week

During Science Week we delved into the science of flight, exploring aerodynamics, lift, drag and gravity. We designed and constructed paper airplanes, carefully considering factors like wing shape. We then tested our planes observing how design influenced our flight path and distance.

Serving up Fun

We really enjoyed our tennis lessons, learning how to serve and rally with our partner.

A warm cup of creativity

This week, our young artists explored through colour and pattern how to capture the cosy feeling of a winter drink.

Apprendre le Français, C’est Fun!

For our final French lesson, we explored French culture, art and food.

Halloween/Autumn Art