The highest standard of personal appearance is expected at all times. Hair should be neat and tidy.
We encourage all pupils to wear the standard school uniform for Fossa National School which comprises of:
- Grey trousers/pinafore/skirt.
- Maroon V-neck jumper/cardigan with compulsory school crest.
- Cream shirt.
- Grey socks/Tights.
- Maroon Striped Tie.
- Dark coloured flat sensible shoes.
Children are required to wear the school tracksuit to school on PE days, when going swimming or playing after school sports. This can be obtained from, Lyne’s Clothes Shop, Killarney (064) 6631146 and Walsh Brothers Schoolwear, Killarney (064) 6631078.
It is very important that each child makes a major effort to wear the complete uniform. Please try to have the uniform washed at the weekends so that the children are not without their uniforms during the week. We will be very strict that the uniform is worn properly as it represents the standards set by our school. In the interest of safety in the classrooms and in the playgrounds children should not wear jewellery to school.
Children should have their names on their uniforms, coats and other personal belongings.